6 Ads That Mixed With Water Make Powerful Drink For Digestion!

Written By miki on Thursday 18 August 2016 | 19:25:00

One glass of water is your organism’s best friends. Much more interesting is the fact that with just few ads in it, as spices or herbs with medicinal properties it becomes even more beneficial. With the following listed ingredients, you will get super healthy beverage which among other will improve your digestion and you will be purified.

This powerful drink can be taken with you anywhere you want even at work. It will taste good even after you add two kinds of different ingredients inside. You can try many fresh new combinations and you won’t regret it.  

  1. Fresh squeezed juice or lime juice – lemon and lime are excellent source of vitamin C which is known as powerful antioxidant that helps neutralize the free radicals in the body. Also it is good for purification and promotes digestion. Squeeze half a lemon or lime in a water bottle.
  2. Fresh mint leaves – mint can be grown at home by yourself if you put it by the window so it can get as much as light it needs. Mint activates the salivary glands and digestive enzymes that help the body to absorb nutrients from food. Also in addition of its calming properties helps well with stomach problems.
  3. Cloves – besides the beneficial properties for fighting the problems of the digestive system it also successfully fights against the parasites that are found in the human body. Pour few of them in the water bottle and leave it for a little to get flavor. While you are drinking the water you can eat the cloves but be careful they are hot.
  4. Ginger root – for hundreds of years ginger is used as remedy for bad setting down, cramps, nausea and flatulence. It also improves circulation, has anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties. Take one ginger sized as your thumb and chop it into cubes and add water.
  5. Fresh cucumber pieces – cucumber gives fine and fresh taste. It helps expulsion of toxins from the digestive system. Chop the cucumber into small piece of boxes to make it easier to eat while you drink the water.
  6. Cinnamon – this is excellent remedy for fungi and viruses and it also helps in digestion. Improves circulation, dissolves fats during digestion and regulates blood glucose. Put one stick of cinnamon and leave it shortly in the water so it can get proper flavor.
Source: www.healthyfoodstar.com


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