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14 Natural Antibiotics To Fight Infection, And What Drug Companies Don’t Want You To Know

Written By miki on Sunday 14 August 2016 | 19:01:00

These days, practically every time we get debilitated because of contamination from infections, microscopic organisms or in light of the fact that some other reason we will promptly go to the specialist searching for the best recommend solution. The specialist may recommend a couple drug and one of them is anti-toxin.

Antibiotic which is also known as antibacterial are the type of medicine used to slow down or destroy the growth of bacteria. Simply put, they are poisons which are used to kill bacteria and we use them to treat infections caused by bacteria.
Bacteria are microscopic organism. The presence of certain bacteria in the body can cause some health issues and in this case the use of antibiotic can be beneficial. However, not all bacteria are bad. Some bacteria like the one reside in the intestine can help in digesting process and energy metabolism and immune response. It also helps in controlling the yeast in the intestines. Unfortunately, antibiotic cannot differ bad bacteria from the good and they kill all kind of bacteria found in the body. If we take an example of good bacteria in the intestine, killing those bacteria will allow the yeast to thrive and cause some other problems. Moreover, antibiotic can cause some issue like food allergies that can lead to intestinal disorder issue.
What You Need To Know About Antibiotics
Almost all kind of antibiotics provide immediate result to the body. They will start fighting the bacteria within hours after you ingest them. However, you need to continue the medication until the last capsule in order to prevent the infection from coming back. If you do note finish all the medicine, most likely the bacteria may become resistant in the future treatment
Something you need to keep in mind before taking antibiotic is that you need to increase the intake of antioxidant. You also need to ensure that your diet involve foods that contain enough Zinc, selenium, vitamin A, C, and A since they all contain antifungal properties.
Consume Enough Fiber
You need to keep your bowel moving. When antibiotics kill the good bacteria, you will easily exposed to the bad bacteria which may cause some problems if your intestine happened to become constipated. In order to prevent a serious problem from happening, you need to keep your digestive tract free of waste, at least until you can repopulate the good bacteria again.
Consuming high amount of fiber can help you in this issue. You just need to make sure that you don’t’ have a history of intestinal obstruction. Consume psyllium fiber because it has the ability to relives constipation as well as slowing diarrhea by absorbing excess water.
Consume High Amount of Probiotic
There are a lot of illness which are originate in the digestive system. If you can heal your gut lining, you can make the digestive system working properly again. You can replace the good bacteria in your intestines by adding an acidophilus (probiotic) supplement for several weeks while taking your antibiotic.
Remember that both cannot be taken simultaneously or what you will get are only a pile of dead good bacteria in your intestines. The best time to take the probiotic is in between antibiotic dose or after you finish your antibiotic medication.
Several Types of Probiotics
You can find antibiotic in several forms like powder, liquid, capsule, or tablet. Many probiotic drinks available in health food store, grocery stores, and Asian specialty stores. Some cultured dairy product like yoghurt and kefir, and fermented foods like sauerkraut also contain probiotics and each product offer different number of live organism.
Consuming foods that are rich in natural probiotic are extremely important, particularly when you have some kind of infection. You gut act like a second brain. It even produce more serotonin compare to your brain and help in enhancing your mood. Beside, many bacteria are reside in your guts, including the good bacteria which help maintain the ideal balance and create foundation for good health, both physically and emotionally.
Most Common Side Effect of Antibiotic
Remember that you need to consult to your doctor prior taking other medicine or herbal medicine. Over the counter drugs may clash with antibiotic.
Penicillin, cephalosporin, and some other antibiotics disrupt the effectiveness of oral contraceptives. If the antibiotic cause diarrhea/vomiting, the absorption of contraceptives may also be interrupted. If you take any of the medicine mentioned before, you think about taking additional contraceptive precaution.
Below are some of the most common side effect of antibiotics.
Nausea and vomiting
Allergic reaction (from mild rash to severe anaphylaxis that can lead to death)
Fungal infection in the mouth, digestive tract and vagina
Sensitivity to Sun (when taking tertacylines)
There are also some rare side effect of antibiotics, including:
Deafness (when taking erythromycin and the aminoclycosides)
Blood disorder (when taking trumethoprim)
Abnormal blood cloting (when taking some cephalosporins)
Formation of kidney stones (when taking sulphonamides)
Some older patients may experience a type of colitis or inflamed bowel that can lead to severe diarrhea. The type of antibiotic that can cause this effect is clindamycin, along with penicillin, cephalosporin, and erythromycin.
Natural Alternatives to Antibiotics
Though antibiotic is aiming to kill bad bacteria, some good bacteria also killed in the process and this make antibiotic a less preferable option for medication. If you prefer something natural as alternatives to antibiotic, then you just need to look in your kitchen and you will find some very beneficial ingredient that can do the job greatly.
Below are 14 Natural Ingredients That Can Be Perfect Alternatives to Conventional Antibiotics:
1.Powerful Garlic
Garlic is a natural ingredients that can act as antibiotic without killing the healthy bacteria like what the conventional antibiotic do. It also contain antiviral antifungal properties that can help you eliminate infection effectively. You just need to take several cloves of garlic every day. It is also proven to fight bacteria effectively.
There was a study that involved seven AIDS patient. The result showed that all of the patient’s t-cell activity (which act as the key indicator of active AIDS infection) become normal after taking two to four garlic gloves a day for three months. Patients also showed improvement with other problems including candida overgrowth, chronic diarrhea, genital herpes, and chronic sinus infection. Beside, garlic can also help in treating some other health problems like high blood pressure, diabetes, allergies, impotence, toothaches, cold & flu, heart disease, high cholesterol, and cancer. The best thing about this treatment is, one month of supply for this remedy will only cost you a few bucks.
Using Garlic as Antibiotic
To use garlic as an antibiotics, you need to eat it raw. Cooking garlic will make it lost its medicinal properties. Then several cloves of garlic, crush it and leave it for around 10 minutes to let it activated it germ-killing compound before you consume it.
Garlic can also be use as topical medication. You can apply it to the skin for treating scrape and burn. It is also effective to fight ear infection.  One of the most effective way of using garlic is by placing raw garlic under the tongue or drinking garlic juice. However, since garlic is pretty strong and pungent, maybe you better consume the garlic pills.
Onion provide similar health benefits like garlic. Eating onion can help reduce pain, inflammation, and increase circulation. Onion also contain anti-inflammatory substance which can be beneficial to increase circulation, alleviate angina and to be used to treat common cold and flu, and persistent cough.
3.Grapefruit Seed Extract
Originally developed as an anti-parasite, grapefruit seed extract soon showed its ability to inhibit the growth of viruses, bacteria, and fungi. Grapefruit seed extract contain non-toxic active ingredients which are collected from the seed and pulp of grapefruit that grown organically. It all hen converted into potent compound that can kill staph, strep, salmonella, E. Coli, candida, influenza, herpes, parasites, fungi, and many more.
4.Habanero and Horseradish
Both of these ingredients can energize the body which can boost the immune system. They also useful to carry blood to every part of the body and raise body’s temperature which will increase the activity of the immune system.
In particular, horseradish contains volatile oil which can also be found in mustard. This oils have shown antibiotics properties when broken down in the stomach which makes it a very effective remedy to treat throat and upper respiratory tract infections. The oil also has the ability to kill bacteria that can cause urinary tract infection.
5.High Fruits and Vegetables That Contain High Level of Vitamin C
Vitamin C known to provide various health benefits including boost immune system and fighting disease. Some studies have also shown that vitamin C is effective to heal snake bites, bacterial and viral infections.
Consuming fruits and vegetables that contain high level of vitamin C can be very helpful in eliminating certain infectious bacteria. Vitamin C is very important in wound healing process, boosting the immune system, and increase the ability of the body to resist infection.
Some of the fruits and vegetables that are high in vitamin C are Oranges, Currants, Honeydew, Guavas, Kiwi, Strawberries, Lemon, Pineapple, Mangoes, Plums, Watermelon, Kale, Peppers, Chives, Spinach, Cauliflower, Parsley, Broccoli, Asparagus, Cabbage, Brussels sprouts, and Tomatoes.
6.Manuka Honey
Honey has been used as a topical treatment to treat infection for so many years due to its effectiveness in fighting certain antibiotic resistant strain. The most beneficial type of honey is Manuka honey. It comes from Australia and New Zealand and collected by honey bee that forage the Manuka bushes of New Zealand. Manuka honey contains unique antiviral, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, and antiseptic, and antioxidant. It can also repair wound, heal stomach, and improve overall health.
According to the research, applying topical Manuka honey will kill various pathogens, including MRSA, a flesh-eating bacteria. The great thing about using honey as antibiotic is, the treated bacteria wouldn’t build up any resistance.
Recently, there Manuka honey has become more popular and you can find many medical Manuka honey product sold in the food stores and grocery stores.
Cinnamon has been used both as spice and medicine due to its essential oil that contain anti-microbial properties. According to studies, cinnamon has the ability to stop the growth of bacteria and fungi, including candida yeast.
Cinnamon contains a lot of antioxidants and provide antibacterial, antimicrobial, and antifungal properties. This spice is very beneficial to the pancreas. It also has powerful effect on the blood sugar and insulin levels, which can help in controlling diabetes. If you crave for cinnamon, there may be a signal that something is wrong with your blood sugar level.
According to recent research, cinnamon can also be used as an alternatives to traditional food preservatives due to it antimicrobial properties. When combine with Manuka Honey, cinnamon can be a great decongestant, reduce your susceptibility to colds & flu and stimulate digestion. The mixture can also be applied to the teeth and skin
8. Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar contains malic acid which is known for the anti-viral, anto-bacterial, and anti-fungal properties. Apple cider vinegar is very effective to kill all kind of germs in the throat. Apple cider vinegar also helps stimulating acetolysis. A condition where toxic harmful toxic waste in the body are broken down and become harmless.
The traditional medicine treatment has been used ginger to treat cold and flu. But later it was discovered that consuming ginger increase body’s temperature which makes us sweat. When we sweat, a chemical that fight bacteria is created and make ginger has an antimicrobial effect.
According to Chinese studies, ginger is effective in killing influenza viruses (even avian flu), while Indian report shows that it can boost the immune system. Health care professional also recommend ginger to help prevent and treat nausea and vomiting caused by motion sickness, pregnancy and chemotherapy. It can also be used to treat mild stomach problems, reducing pain of osteoarthritis, and even useful to fight heart disease and cancer.
Eucalyptus can be used as topical antibiotic. It also has antiseptic properties when applied to the skin. If you want to use essential eucalyptus oil, you need to dilute is in a carries oil like almond or olive oil.
Eucalyptus also has the ability to fight infection and reducing fever when consumes as a tea. While inhaling the steam can help in treating cough. Eucalyptus also provide powerful decongestant properties and natural antiseptic that kills, bacteria, viruses, and fungus.
Echinacea contain active substance that can boost your immune system, alleviate pain, and reduce inflammation. It also has hormonal, antiviral, and antioxidant effects. This may be the reason why professional herbalist advice the use of Echinacea to treat vaginal yeast (candida) infection, urinary tract infection, ear infection, athlete’s foot, hay fever, and sinusitis. Echinacea is often used to treat colds and flu because it has the ability to kill even the most virulent bacteria like Staphylococcus Aureus that cause deadly MRSA.
12.Olive Leaf
Olive leaf has the ability to inhibit or destroy various harmful bacteria, fungi, and yeast while take care the growth of beneficial bacteria. Olive leaf is helpful in fighting all kind of infection.
For centuries, herbalist has been used myrrh due to its antiseptic, antibiotic and antiviral properties. Myrrh can be used in various ways. You can consume it internally, gargle it, or use it to wash the wounds. According to the Herb Guide, myrrh is effective to treat bad breath, bronchitis, mouth sores, and sore throats. Myrrh also helps increase white blood cells level in our body. However, you need to ensure that you don’t use myrrh for more than 2 weeks because it’s not good for the kidney.
14.Golden Seal
Another herb that contains antibiotic formula is golden seal.  This herb provide antibacterial and anti-fungal properties and often used by herbalist to treat sinus infection, ear infection, vaginal infection, and sore throat. However, be sure not to use this herb during pregnancy because it can stimulate contraction of the uterine.
Some other Herbs and Spices
There are many other herbs and spices which have natural antibiotic properties and are useful in treating infection including Rosemary, Pepper, Wild Indigo, Cumin, Allspice, Oregano, Coriander, Thyme, Tarragon, Cloves, Caraway Seed, Bay Leaf, Mint, Chili Peppers, Marjoram, Coriander, Nutmeg, Dill, Basil, Cardamom, Anise, Fennel, Sage, Mustard, and Parsley.


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