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Anti-Cancer Treatments With A Remedy Called Laetrile Or Vitamin B17 !

Written By miki on Friday 1 July 2016 | 10:35:00


It is of great importance that you know that there is a hidden story behind the anti- cancer treatments with a remedy called Laetrile, or vitamin B17. Cancer can be effectively treated by means of healthy foods and earth elements, which may be equally beneficial in the case of numerous other health issues. However, if you are already treating your cancer in a conventional way, our aim is not to convince you abandon it, but to reveal some unknown facts about it.
The richest source of this vitamin is the apricot seed which is located beneath the hard pit. This vitamin contains a powerful anti-cancer agent, called amygdalin.
As believed, this agent is extremely effective in the case of cancer, as it successfully eliminates it. But why isn’t it prescribes as a treatment by the modern doctors?
Edward Griffin gives the simple answer: “A control for cancer is known, and it comes from nature, but it is not widely available to the public because it cannot be patented, and, therefore, is not commercially attractive to the pharmaceutical industry.”
Therefore, it all originates from the need of high profits for the pharmaceutical industry. Apparently, the lives of numerous cancer patients are not more important that the incomes of the doctors and the number of expensive chemotherapies.
The power of vitamin B17 lies in the fact that it consists of glucose and hydrogen cyanide. It effectively kills cancer cells by the glucose ‘injecting’ itself into the cancer cell. Then, the glucose’s cyanide and benzaldehyde form a targeted poison that destroys the cancer cell.
However, many people believe this natural chemotherapy to be controversial, as numerous medical professionals suggest that B17 is toxic. Yet, we all know, cancer is toxic by nature, so this vitamin can be toxic only to cancer cells.
This treatment was not approved by the FDA, but some doctors, including John A. Richardson M.D., started using it “illegally” in the treatments of cancer patients at his clinic in San Francisco. Namely, these methods with laetrile gave fantastic results which were documented in Laetrile Case Histories: The Richardson Cancer Clinic Experience, by John A. Richardson M.D. and Patricia Irving Griffin, R.N.
Yet, this teams was afterwards forced to minimize the benefits of B17 when they attacked the conventional cancer treatments, and the FDA even strongly intervened. They claimed Laetrile to be illegal as an unapproved form of treatment. Therefore, Laetrile cannot be bought in the US, but you can purchase B17 / amygdalin in supplement form.
Furthermore, you can also consume apricot seeds at your discretion as a preventive measure as cancer- fighting agent.
Yet, frustrated and outraged due to the whole cover- up procedure concerning the documented benefits of B17 by the FDA and the AMA, many studies by Sloan-Kettering have examined the anti- cancer properties of B17 for a period of 5 years, between 1972 and 1977, and found that.
  – Effects the vitamin:
– Laetrile prevents cancer
– It enhances the overall health of the patient
– It soothes pain linked to cancer
– It inhibits tumor growth
– It prevents and stops the spreading (metastasizing) of cancer.
Dr. Kanematsu Sugiura, which was a member of the team on the panel, was asked whether he stuck to the belief that laetrile may stop the development of cancer.
Yet, Sloan-Kettering then came out and fired a top spokesman on the subject, Ralph Moss, for reporting on the findings, which had a negative effect on the general public concerning the natural cancer treatments.
Apart from these clinical trials of B17, there are also personal experiences and testimonies of people who have used this treatment and eliminated cancer despite all this.
Namely, the legacy of Dr. Max Gerson, continuing through his daughter, Charlotte Gerson, serves as an example to these claims. There is a cancer treatment center in Tijuana, Mexico, and Budapest, Hungary, as a result of the laws on cancer therapies in the United States.
Therefore, you need to inform on The Gerson Institute and the effects obtained there in order to decide for yourself. Before he was stripped of his medical licence and marginalized and set up eventually, Dr. Max Gerson did miracles for his cancer patients.
Nevertheless, always have in mind that is is best to work on the preventive measures. IStatistics claims that you may be the next cancer patient if you don’t exercise, and enjoy other harmful bodily choices, and you lead an unhealthy lifestyle and eat processed and harmful foods.
Despite B17, there are also other natural foods that have been demonstrated to be extremely effective in preventing and treating cancer, including large amounts of raw fruits and vegetables, aloe juice, ginger, chia, cumin, black seed (Nigella sativa),Swiss chard, wheatgrass, sumac, aloe gel, flax, chili peppers, spirulina, turmeric, goji berries, food mushrooms (shitake, white button), as well as regular periodic fasting.
Moreover, avoid stress and try to live a more relaxed life, do not smoke cigarettes, and avoid alcohol. Remember, your health is mostly in your own hands, and is largely affected by your own choices in life.


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