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Deadly Issues That No One Ever Told You About Sitting

Written By miki on Thursday 26 May 2016 | 18:03:00

Relaxation is often done through the act of sitting.  Most people probably agree, however, the problem is if you are sedentary for most of your waking hours, you’re subjecting yourself to a slow death. Excessive sitting can lead to problems with posture, poor cardiovascular health, and sleep problems due to an imbalance of dopamines. All of these can lead to more serious health issues down the road. Experts have released a detailed info graphic presented here, giving you all the information you need about sitting for long periods of time.
After hearing about the health problems sitting for long periods can lead to,i became interested in just how big of an impact it can have on your health. Im a freelance journalist, and have developed a bad habit of sitting for long periods of time. Before I made the lifestyle change, most of the time I was chained to a chair in front of a computer screen. Every day, my wife would urge me to become more active, and to go out and go walking, or go to the gym. She would push me to step out of the office and move around so i could avoid developing some dreadful disease or ailment. I did it. Today,I am thankful I heeded my wife’s advice. The changes i experienced were dramatic, and immediate. I feel healthier, and more energetic.I sleep better at night, and wake more refreshed in the morning. Every day more and more materials are uncovered from different sources linking deadly issues with excessive sitting, and a sedentary lifestyle.


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